For Love or Money: Smart Budgeting Tips for Young Couples
How to manage finances with your partner and save the things you can’t afford to lose.
For Love or Money: Smart Budgeting Tips for Young Couples
How to manage finances with your partner and save the things you can’t afford to lose.
Helpful Tools and Tips to Master Your Pay Grade
Amidst the competitive professional world and job-hunting landscape, it is vital to know your worth
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For That Raise
Know your worth! There is still a pay gap in America. According to women make 80¢ for every dollar that their male counterpart makes. A large part of this is due to the fact that women are afraid to talk about money. Where men tend to overvalue their skills, women do the exact opposite.
Learning to Ask For What You Want
It’s easy to get caught up in the everyday grind. You fall into a monotonous routine of charging through each day, head down, focused on the task in front of you and stressing about the list of to-dos that need to be accomplished before the day’s end.
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